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TaxControl Summary

The root tax calculation object, generated from the tax table. To obtain an instance of this object, use:

CTaxControl tc = new CTaxControl();


Method Description
ComputeTax Returns the tax amount for the requested tax, passing all parameter information in a single call.
DownloadTable Replaces the tax table named in the DataFilename property with current version downloaded from the TaxUpdate website. Internet Access is required to use this method.
TaxableWages Returns the calculated taxable wages.
TaxAmount Returns the calculated tax amount.
TaxNamesForZip Returns the names of taxes suggested for withholding, according to the employee's work and home Zip Codes.
TaxQuery Returns a list of tax names for a given set of work and residence addresses.


Property Description
Auxiliary Used for federal, state, and local tax special data needs.
CompanyZip The employer's workplace ZIP code.
DataFilename Indicates the path to the tax table file.
Discontinued Discontinued, when true, means that the tax is no longer assessed.
Earnings Employee's taxable earnings.
Exemptions Employee's federal exemptions.
FilingStatus Employee's filing status.
Instructions Instructions which correspond to the selected tax.
IsTableCurrent Returns true if the tax table named in the DataFilename property is the most recent version.
Miscellaneous Used for federal, state, and local tax special data needs.
PayDate The payroll check date.
PayPeriodsPerYear The number of pay periods in a year.
Psd Returns the "PSD Code" of the selected tax, or zero if not applicable.
Published Publication information for the current tax.
RoundWhenOptional Causes the calculation to be rounded in taxes for which RoundingOptional is true.
SelectedTax Sets/returns the selected tax item.
SoftwareVersion Returns the TaxControls's component version number as a string.
StateExemptions Employee's state exemptions.
Supplemental Indicates that the Earnings property contains supplemental earnings (e.g., a bonus), which may be taxed at a special rate.
TaxBracket Returns the tax rate for the current earnings amount.
Taxes A collection of Tax objects generated from the tax table.
TaxType Returns the type of the currently selected tax.
UnemploymentRate Set or returns the employer's state unemployment tax rate.
Version Tax table file version.
Withheld Indicates whether the current tax should be withheld from the employee's pay.
YTDEarnings Used to indicate year-to-date amounts earned prior to current earnings.
YTDTax Used to indicate year-to-date amount of tax paid prior to current pay period.