Property | Description |
Auxiliary | Used for federal, state, and local tax special data needs. |
CompanyZip | The employer's workplace ZIP code. |
DataFilename | Indicates the path to the tax table file. |
Discontinued | Discontinued, when true, means that the tax is no longer assessed. |
Earnings | Employee's taxable earnings. |
Exemptions | Employee's federal exemptions. |
FilingStatus | Employee's filing status. |
Instructions | Instructions which correspond to the selected tax. |
IsTableCurrent | Returns true if the tax table named in the DataFilename property is the most recent version. |
Miscellaneous | Used for federal, state, and local tax special data needs. |
PayDate | The payroll check date. |
PayPeriodsPerYear | The number of pay periods in a year. |
Psd | Returns the "PSD Code" of the selected tax, or zero if not applicable. |
Published | Publication information for the current tax. |
RoundWhenOptional | Causes the calculation to be rounded in taxes for which RoundingOptional is true. |
SelectedTax | Sets/returns the selected tax item. |
SoftwareVersion | Returns the TaxControls's component version number as a string. |
StateExemptions | Employee's state exemptions. |
Supplemental | Indicates that the Earnings property contains supplemental earnings (e.g., a bonus), which may be taxed at a special rate. |
TaxBracket | Returns the tax rate for the current earnings amount. |
Taxes | A collection of Tax objects generated from the tax table. |
TaxType | Returns the type of the currently selected tax. |
UnemploymentRate | Set or returns the employer's state unemployment tax rate. |
Version | Tax table file version. |
Withheld | Indicates whether the current tax should be withheld from the employee's pay. |
YTDEarnings | Used to indicate year-to-date amounts earned prior to current earnings. |
YTDTax | Used to indicate year-to-date amount of tax paid prior to current pay period. |