Download and install the .NET demo from here.
This package contains the most recent TaxControls .NET component, and two demo applications. You’ll need Microsoft Visual in order to follow this tutorial, as we will use the command-line tools available with Visual Studio.
Set Environment
Open a command-line window by type ‘cmd’ in the Windows search textbox. The best match should say “Command Prompt”. Clicking on “Open” in the right panel should open a prompt window.
Find and run the compiler batch setup file in the Visual Studio installation directory. A typical location would be “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat”
Type the following line to ensure that your environment is set up correctly (you should see help info for the C# compiler as output):
csc /?
For subsequent tutorial steps, you’ll need to copy the TaxControls.dll and files into your source directory.
Download and unzip the Java demo from here.
This package contains the most recent TaxControls jar, and a demo Java application. You’ll need the Java SDK in order to follow this tutorial.
Set the classpath
To use the TaxControl component, your classpath must include both the ‘’ and ‘TaxControls.jar’ files.
- On Windows Set the classpath to ”.;;TaxControls.jar”
- On Unix/Linux/OSX Set the classpath to “.:bigloo_u .zip:TaxControls .jar”
For example, these commands would compile and run the demo on Windows:
javac -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar Demo.javajava -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar Demo
For subsequent tutorial steps, you’ll need to copy the jar files and into your source directory.
Note: If your IDE does not recognize as a jar file, you can rename it to something like ‘bigloo_u.jar’ and adjust the classpath accordingly.